Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Code for thecutestblogontheblock!

This is a repost from our friend Becca at the Bates Motel about code changes for users. I am so grateful that she published the instructions because due to high traffic volume, I've not been able to access their site.

Becca says,
Pure chance that I saw the warning signs on some blogs I was reading this morning, stating that the blog owners who use The Cutest Blog on the Block would lose their backgrounds on July 23rd, if they didn't update their code. (Surely, this won't affect me, right? Maybe this was just the sign I needed to give my blog the makeover I've been mulling over for the last few months...) Once I looked into it, I discovered that it was nothing too terribly drastic, but I wanted to warn all you bloggers who use TCBOTB that you will lose your blog background tomorrow unless you either re-load the code now, or follow the directions below. They’ve lost their photobucket hosting and will be moving all of their designs tomorrow (they will still be free, and the new codes have already been posted on their site).

I sure don’t want any of you to wind up surprised and out in the cold!

(The following was copied from The Cutest Blog on the Block - I followed these directions and had no problems whatsoever.)

• Go to the place you pasted your background code in your blog
• Find in the code where it says:
• Replace it with:
• Click 'Save'
• You will no longer be at risk of loosing your blog's background once photobucket shuts down TCBOTB account
• You may notice that the blog background loads slowly over the next 24-48 hours while our servers are upgraded however everything will be back to normal after that. (Note: I had to refresh my page to get my background to load after changing the code.)

1 comment:

Becca said...

Glad you're getting the word out, too!! I wonder how many people will wake up tomorrow with no background on their blogs. LOL At least it doesn't affect content.