Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Photo Shoot Fun

Today a we had a (free) photo shoot at church. When you're done, you get a disk and unedited shots to do with what you please. They needed a lot of help with cropping, removing a weird smudge that kept showing up, and adding special effects to look really good, but you can't beat free!

Since we're not really having a Thanksgiving this year, we're already in Christmas mode. It's too much to travel AGAIN this month (after IA last month and again in Dec). So, Country Buffet it is! (Hey, that means no cleaning, baking, more cleaning, or travel). We bought a new and much smaller Christmas tree last week that will go up next weekend. We MUST have a tree, but one that is small enough to be lifted off the ground on a stand/table and still see it behind Sophie-proof gates. We got a great deal on a prelit one and as a bonus picked up an electric Grinch train for the base.

Don't forget to click the Reese's Rainbow button on the sidebar to order your Christmas ornament and contribute to a great cause. Next week is the Festival of Trees, sponsored by the Junior League, that will help support Larkin's Place. Raffle tickets are on sale to win a new car! So ya, we're already in the Christmas spirit.

Thanks to Renee, I've been introduced to It's an online photo editing site. I chose the free registration and have been spending WAY too much time messing with photos today. As of this afternoon I already have my Christmas cards created (not yet ordered) and a few gift ideas. Enjoy the shots and a jump start into the season. Be careful if you try out Picnik as it is a wonder, but addicting.


  1. Beautiful family- adorable kids and you can tell where they got it from :) Gonna stay away from the photo site or my house will never be clean again,lol! thanks for sharing your sweethearts with us and I hope you got a chance to recover from it yesterday afternoon.

  2. I love PICNIK! It is so addicting, isn't it!?! I found it a few months back and I use it all the time, along with my photoshop. :)

  3. they turned out great jen~~~ how lucky your church does this!

  4. Isn't Picnik GREAT?! I love love love it! That slideshow could totally be a commercial for them! Good job! :)

  5. Sarah-
    Thank you.

    whatever to us-
    Ya, you should see my house (or maybe you shouldn't).

    Definitely addicting.

    amy flege-
    Yes, we are lucky or we wouldn't have any family portraits.

    The photos look pretty dark in the montage, darker than they actually are. They're a little lighter on the sidebar. Still, I may redo them and use less vignette (dark shadow/smokey frame). Nonetheless, I really like how they turned out.


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