Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cool Awards

I've been a bad blogger. I received two very cool awards from 2 friends a million years ago, and I haven't mentioned them. The sweet Datri over at Opposite Kids awarded me the following award:

The name is right up my alley and cracks me up. I enjoy reading about your family. Thank you. I pass this award on to a new blogger that I'd love for you to visit. Samm, of Hailey's Comet Ride, began her journey as a special needs mom when the beautiful Hailey Bean came into her life not so long ago. Please check out her blog.

Cathy over at whatever to us gave me the following award:

Cathy and her beautiful family have become good friends of mine here in Shampoo-Banana (that's Champaign-Urbana to you non-locals). I love you guys!!! I pass this award onto another new blogger Sarah at Class of 2008. Sarah came on-line recently and has been a force. She has shared her experiences and favorite memories from her growing up years. I love, love, love reading about her adventures. If you haven't been to her blog, GO NOW!

These awards come with rules and are one of the reasons it has taken me forever to publish them. They require that you post the rules, link back to the creator, and pass them on to usually between 5-7 other blogs that you feel are deserving. I think that's a lot to ask. On one hand, I prefer a more discriminating taste, on the other hand, I don't bother to follow blogs that I don't enjoy. So, I'm breaking the rules and sending it to 1 cool blogger for each award.

I thank my dear friends for the awards. If you want them back, I'm available for lunch today so come on over and get em. Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. well, I don't want the award back but lunch would've been nice anyways...guess I should read daily, huh?


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