Sunday, November 30, 2008


It was a good one. We had some wonderful family time. None of us ever got out of our jammies. Alexander and I baked up a storm. I made my first pie. It is a pumpkin pie rolled with a wine bottle as I don't have a rolling pin. We gave it a Moose top from Noggin.

Mark loves cranberry sauce from a can, though I have issues with the texture and shape. Then again, he hates my deviled eggs and green bean casserole. We could each eat a bucket of potatoes. We had plenty to stuff ourselves silly.

(note: we have 2 cats and zero dogs, hmm)
Sophie was really sick but is much better now. Although, she has developed an ATTITUDE. When she's mad or frustrated she growls at me, hits, kicks, throws stuff, or hits the floor. This is a new development as she had always been my sweet little angel. Sometimes she can't turn the pages of her books by herself and she gets mad, or I am telling her 'no' about something or other. Boy, I thought Alexander was going to be my kid with a 'tude.

Staying home (especially with sicky-poo) was the right choice. We have most of our Christmas decorations up, including lights outside and the tree, though the tree needs to be decorated. More on decorations later.
If I don't see another piece of fudge or pumpkin pie in a while, I'll be ok. (and I've got lots left over). We may just decide to stay home next year too.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting pie. I've never seen anything like it. Wish I could have stayed home in my jammies all day. Glad to see you had a good Thanksgiving though.


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