Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice Not Nice

Today was supposed to be Alexander's last day of preschool for 2 weeks. We got socked with an ice storm overnight and school is cancelled. He had a holiday party scheduled complete with gingerbread house decorating and spent some time last night coloring pictures to go with the little gifts for his preschool teachers. Oh well. At least we already made and decorated Christmas train cakes at home.

At 4:30 am Mark and I both heard a very loud whoosh/thump coming from outside. It reminded me of when the drunken teenager crashed the car (and without the neighbor's car to block it, would have landed in Alexander's bedroom). I was seriously freaked out that there was another accident or someone breaking in. I stood outside as Mark investigated. There were a lot of tree limbs down in the neighborhood due to the ice and we figured that's what we heard. However, this morning I discovered that a limb was down near our back deck and that it snapped a wire off of the house. I'm thinking that was what we heard as it was attached to the house off of my bedroom. Since we haven't lost any power, heat, cable, etc. I can only assume it's the phone wire. We only have cell phones right now.

As for today, we're iced and fogged in. Maybe with Mark home I can sneak away and get some presents wrapped. I hear my hometown got 8.5 inches of snow and is expecting more over the next few days. Joy. This is the back deck. You can click to enlarge and see the snapped wire draped off of the deck. And, that isn't snow out there. It's not nice ice.


  1. Yes, some lovely weather, eh? Makela's beyond upset that her teachers didn't get their gifts from her- she bought for all of them at our church's holiday shop for the kids....and I've got 14 plates of candy on my kitchen table to boot...about the wire, one of our friends in town had the same thing happen but theirs was a power line, even though they still had don't mess with it, just in case, ok? Not that I think you're planning on jumping out there and doing the repair but I'm worrywart :)

  2. Brrrrr! You are right, ice is not nice.

    That cake is really cool though!


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