Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another Look at Therapy n Stuff

Sophie has been doing really, really well in her Early Intervention (EI) therapies. She has Speech therapy (ST) at home once a week, Developmental therapy (DT) at home twice a month, Physical therapy (PT) twice a month on site, and Occupational therapy (OT) at home once a month. Her Developmental Playgroup (once a week on site) incorporates all of it and has been really positive for her. Next week her ST will begin filming Sophie and I doing everyday play. We're going to attempt to make a video that we can use in the DVD player of things like playing with different toys, saying the words and signing them too. I guess I'll have to wear something other than lounge pants next week. (Oh, who am I kidding?) Here's another look at recent therapy sessions with Sophia.

Other updates:

Sophie just got 2 new teeth in the past few weeks. Both are on the bottom, one is in the front/middle left, and the other is a molar on the right. She's taken to grinding them at night before going to sleep (JOY)! and she's not sleeping so great. I hope it's a passing teething thing. She's just begun refusing to eat any vegetables or meat. To make sure I had no doubt, during lunch a few days ago she shook her head furiously "NO" to the vegetables and beef and then sternly pointed (POINTED!) at the pears. If it were up to her she would live off of fruit and honey bee graham crackers.

In February Sophie has a follow up echo cardiogram and appointment at the peds cardiology clinic in town. She still had a small PDA a year ago that they want to monitor. We'll also be heading back to St. Louis Children's Hospital for repeat hearing tests. We got a good idea of her hearing last time, but this time they want to isolate each ear.

On a not so fun note, I believe we're going down the croup path for the 4th time since November. I know when the cough changes from deep and wet to a bark. Her cold came on fast this time and I'm not waiting to see, so she's on steroids, again. Good thing we had some left plus refills. Her last course was for 3-5 days, so we did 3 and she was good. Thanks to a new blog friend I was informed not to do more than 5 days on the steroids. Hopefully it won't get that bad. We had a good 2 weeks free of illness in the house that I am thankful for. Someone here has had a cold or flu bug nearly every week since the school year started in the fall. Now that Alexander is going back to preschool and our regular lives are resuming, I am prepared for the onslaught of tiny ugly germs.


  1. Look at little miss! She's doing so well :) Another side note about steroids and breathing treatments- make sure that she gets a good drink afterwards...I know some doctors say that takes away the coating that the medicine provided but trust me, you don't want the alternative- thrush in the mouth is iccky and vile, we lived through it twice and never want to do it again. Our doctors said it was from the neb/steroid treatments...yuck! Hope everyone is back to 100% soon and that the germies stay at school :)

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