Monday, January 26, 2009

Buddy Walk Shadow Box

I've always wanted to put together a shadow box. Here's my first attempt (taken without flash to reduce glare). Items include the Team Sophie button my sweet sisters made and official Buddy Walk blue and yellow colored beads from our first year. The rest are from this past year including; Sophie's team t-shirt, her wrist band (we all wore them), her autographed photo of Karen Gaffney and photo taken with her at the DSN reception the night before the BW, sparkly crinkle paper that Sophie enjoys, the BW medal that walkers receive upon completing the course, and shots of Team Sophie in action. I topped it with block letters that were a gift from the Ds group in Madison, WI. Truth be told, it was harder than I thought to put together. It's a back loader which means it's difficult to keep the contents from shifting while putting the frame together after you get them 'just right.' I could have futzed with it for a few weeks and still found things to change. In the end, it turned out nice.


  1. Very cool! I love it :) I did a shadowbox a couple of years ago for Jason's father's day gift but it was a frontloader- a little easier I'm sure...I know what you mean about 'futzing' with it, I could've worked on it for another wonder most of my scrapbooks are empty and waiting still :)

  2. Good job, creative mommy! Very cool!


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