Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 41

Day 1 of Week 41

My due date has come and gone, and already Helena is showing us who's boss. At my prenatal today I saw the only midwife of the 6 that make up the team that I haven't previously seen. She's not big into numbers. I am. All I could get out of her was that I'm pretty much the same as last week and probably won't change until I go into labor. We had the 'what's involved to induce labor' talk. As of now, I'm still not interested. I go back this week on Friday for a non-stress test and sono to measure amniotic fluid levels. She guesses the levels are good. This would be my first NST for this pregnancy as well as a sono just for a fluid check. With Sophie, I had twice weekly NSTs and once weekly sonos for fluid in the last couple months. Its not a nice feeling to be back in this place, even though circumstances are different.

My horoscope for today is as follows: You might be feeling very confident today about what you intend to do, only to be thwarted by circumstances beyond your control. You have already made commitments that you cannot break, giving you precious little time to accomplish your goals. Your optimism wanes and you could become discouraged as you compare your plans to your calendar. But this is no time to play the role of a victim. Do as much as you can and save the rest for tomorrow.

Tomorrow my favorite midwife is on call. Tomorrow would be a very good day indeed. So now I am working on putting my very big girl pants on and bucking up.

Belly Shot Week 41


Bare belly shots below complete with unedited stretch marks and gall bladder surgery scars. Can't handle it? X out now.

I finished my belly cast in the van Gogh Starry Night theme. Not to shabby for someone who's never painted anything before. As always, click any picture to enlarge.

Week 41 Belly shot


  1. My goodness... you are more woman than I am, which is no surprise. I was all about the induction, and it was AWESOME in my book. But maybe that's why my kids are a little on the iffy side. :) You don't want today, it's M's b-day, and no little baby needs that on their heads..... Here's hoping for tomorrow!!

  2. Tomorrow would be an excellent day in my book as well! Only one of my kiddos was 'well-done' and I was SOO ready for her to make her appearance. In our thoughts and prayers for Helena to make her arrival very soon- I can't wait to see the lil miss :) You look absolutely wonderful- not sure that's fair,lol!

  3. Oh gosh! I am hoping for tomorrow too!!!!

  4. Now that looks like a pregnant belly! How beautiful! BTW...hang in there until Thursday!!! Come on, that is only two days!

    If I am right about the date you are going to kill me!

    love you and yours, the prairie

  5. one last thing...if Helena waits until the I get a middle name shout out...Darcy Elizabeth, Helena Elizabeth...?!

  6. I swear you are one of the most gorgeous pregnant woman I've ever seen!! I hope Helena decides to make her appearence!

  7. Now that belly cast is AWESOME, girlfriend!


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