Thursday, October 7, 2010

1 in 4, an Epidemic in Plain Sight

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) & I am just as passionate about this as I am about advocating for our loved ones with disabilities.

Last night I just happened upon the most amazing documentary called Telling Amy's Story of Amy Homan McGee who was murdered by her husband on November 8, 2001 after years of enduring domestic violence (DV). It is airing on Public Television throughout the month of October. see schedule HERE. If you don't see your channel, find out how to get it on your public television channel HERE. If you get the chance, it is worth your time to watch the documentary in full and not just the clip below.

I want to quote the Detective Deirdri Fishel who tells the story, except that there are too many amazing quotes to list them all. What you don't see in the clip below is the Q and A that Mariska Hargitay hosts after the documentary. This discussion is EXCELLENT in describing what DV is, why victims stay, and how to help. If I were training DV advocates again as I did for many years, I would use this documentary.

Recently we have seen a our national attention turn to bullying (click HERE for a ton of resources). In the wake of recent suicides after being tormented for their sexuality, a campaign called It Gets Better to reach out to young people who may be gay or questioning has taken off HERE. I commend all of this work and give them my full support. However I would be remiss if I didn't SHOUT FROM MY ROOFTOP that we have been up to our asses for YEARS with violence at the hands of domestic abusers. Where is the public outcry? Why isn't our Homeland Security Code Red? It needs to be because 1 in 4 women will be a victim of a domestic abuser in her lifetime and that my friends is unacceptable. 1 in 4 is an epidemic in plain sight.

For more information or to get help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE. The National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE.

It's not too late to sign up for 31 for 21. Remember, the challenge is to post every day in October and not all of the posts need to be about Down syndrome.

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  1. That video gave me so much anxiety, just watching it. Truly heartbreaking. I'm glad you are bringing attention to this.

  2. wow.....takes me back to the day.


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