Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Day Babies!

Oh yeah, it's a snow day! I am preparing a roast, carrots, onions, and mashed potatoes to warm our bellies for supper and fill the house with mouth a watering aroma. As Philly prepares for another big storm (called a Nor'easter) we mid-western folk are trying not to be smug as some of the locals panic.

This morning Mark's trip to DC via Amtrak was rescheduled so now I don't have to worry about his safety or getting stuck in our nation's capitol. He was a little disappointed as they had predicted thunder snow in DC, which is so very cool to experience. His university closed today and PM kindergarten is not in session as the schools are closing early. We were prepared for the snow event to start this afternoon, so most of us are surprised that by noon we already have about 5 inches. Sophie had preschool this morning, but we're all home now, ready to hunker down and enjoy the day (or 2) off. We shall see what this afternoon's wave of snow will bring. Mark already has the base of our snowman started and Alexander is giddy to get outside.
At 8 am I shot a few video clips from our house. Once outside I was powerless to resist walking around the corner to the train tracks. There is just something magical about trains in the snow (though I wasn't able to capture any on video). The frozen blanket absorbs sound and the neighborhood was noticeably quiet. When I stumbled and landed on my back side I laughed like a little kid, fully padded and unhurt in my long winter coat.
Big changes are happening for our family. I am interviewing for a new opportunity tomorrow (send the good vibes/prayers please!), and we have begun searching for a house of our own. Yesterday my sweet Sophie communicated with real words and real sentences (well, little sentences). She asked for BBQ chips at breakfast (saying "chee" for chips) and when I refused she said "sad." Although I was a puddle, I held my ground for a whole 2 hours. She did not relent but patted my knee in the living room, saying, "Hi Mama. Go. Sit down. Eat" and fully expected me to follow her to the kitchen. I happily obliged and I gave her those chips. Before dinner she said, "Mama, eat please." Unless you love someone who struggles to communicate, you may not be able to appreciate the enormity of these exchanges.

I'm grateful for this snow day and for the opportunity for our family to take our collective breath as we gear up to move forward with our lives.


  1. Hope you have a peaceful few days at home... enjoy! And can't wait to hear more about the "opportunity"!

  2. You know you have it going on lady.

    Deep breath and enjoy the silence that the outside is offering you.

    much love, the praire

  3. Oh, I love Sophie's beautiful words!! I'd have totally given in, too. Just because. :-)

    So the thundersnow here was brief, but interesting. There was one flash of lightning and some rumbly thunder for a minute or two, but that was it. Glad Mark didn't get stuck down here, too.

    Good for you, cooking today!! I'm never good at stuff like that, but there's just something so warm and inviting about a snowy day in and the smell of cooking food.

    Good luck with your interview!!!!


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