Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Good Lord Willing and the Creek Don't Rise...

...we'll sell our house on Thursday, 11am. We listed it mid-June 2007 and moved out of state in July. That's a load of Benjamin's paid in 2 house payments and double utilities. A month ago the 1st buyer walked away with cold feet 4 days prior to closing. A phone call tonight from our realtor informed us that "all systems are Go" with the current buyers. As we pack an overnight bag and prepare for the trip back to Madison, WI tomorrow, it's hard not to worry about that darned creek, especially as my home town is actually flooded.

If you're in the market to buy or sell a home in Madison, WI, I STRONGLY urge you to look into the services of Jessica Spotts with Stark. She joined our efforts in January and has been amazing. If you need a new roof, our experience with Crest Homes has been great as well.

UPDATE: The unlawful withdrawal from an ATM in the UK finally showed up today. We'll see just how quickly we actually get the $ back from our credit union. Brilliant!


  1. Ahhhh...11! It's almost time! We're praying all is well and over in a couple hours. Then when you get home, we'll have to celebrate again...this time with no worry of problems!

  2. Yes, prayers are most welcomed.
    Thanks RK!!!

  3. Not that it negates the prior sentiment, but for some reason I thought it was Thursday today! I'm looney!

  4. my hometown is waverly, iowa! small world, uh???

  5. Hi Amy,
    Katowski Dr. (that had lots of flooding) is where my junior high school is. So you're from Waverly. It is a tiny tiny world. Thanks for stopping by!


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