Friday, June 27, 2008

Hold Your Applause

DAD: "I didn't know Sophie could clap." (said indignantly, as if this information had been kept from him)
MOM: "Whaa?" (confusion mixed with excitement)
DAD: I was cheering for Alexander and Sophie started clapping."
MOM: "You mean, you were clapping and she copied you?"
DAD: "I was not clapping, just cheering. She started clapping all on her own."

It wasn't a one shot wonder either, folks. She's a clapping champ now.
11 months and 25 days old.


  1. Awesome. The girls rocks. Plain and simple.

  2. That's adorable!! Can she come over & teach Ruby to clap!? She refuses. Stubborn!

  3. Will you come over and show your friend Larkin?

    And on a side note...what's up with 3 laptops on the floor?

  4. rk-

    Any excuse to get back to WI is a good one! Thanks :-}

    darth vadar (I mean larkinsplace)-
    Love to! Course, I can't promise not to ask you more ?s you Knowledgeable One. I hadn't noticed the laptop thing. I got a pretty pink/purple Dell for Mother's Day!, Mark's ANCIENT blue Dell (that actually groans if it works at all) will be soon put out of commission as yesterday Mark's new Macbook arrived. (so much for a house down payment). We're a mixed marriage now (besides the whole Catholic & Protestant thing). Plus we do everything on the living room floor. Its ridiculous. I know.

  5. how exciting! those little milestones are so big in our world now!!! She looks so proud of herself! cant wait to meet her!

  6. Girls do rock! Sophie's so cute, and that was awesome. See you all soon. (chearing for xander another potty breakthrew?) Liz

  7. amy flege-
    We really should figure out our meet up soon, huh? Looking forward to it!

    He's doing better everyday, thank goodness. and yes, Sophie is a Rock Star!


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