Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Home Messy Home

There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed after being out of town. We got home very late last night after spending more than a week in good ole Iowa.

The trip in summary:
Waterloo: 5 nights. Urbandale: 1 night. Ankeney: 2 nights. Gas $ (don't want to think about that). We stayed with family, saw old friends and finally met new ones in person (Isabelle, Brigette, & Josie)! There were; 2 birthday parties (baked 40 cup cakes), 4 cook outs, gallons of sunscreen, mosquitos the size of Cessnas, a trip to Parkersburg and New Hartford to see the tornado damage, a trip to Iowa City/Coralville to visit with our college friend Amy and her gorgeous daughter Isabelle~who is already 2, a trip to Train Land train museum in Colfax, visit to the Cedar River (sand bags in Cedar Falls, broken train bridge in Waterloo), 2 malls, 2 pools, 1 trampoline (lots of bruises on Alexander), 3 serious potty/diaper - car seat issues (Alexander had 2, Sophie just 1). Good thing they are both easy seats to clean, yuck!, 1 set of lost keys (car and house), 2 bonfires, many s'mores, mojitos, and a bazillion pictures taken.

Today we have to unpack, clean up the cat messes (clumps of fur all over the carpet and a hairball on MY Bed/Blanket that I was too tired to do more than take off the bed last night). My Google Reader is Full. Yes, Iowa does have internet access so stop making jokes about not having electricity. They got electricity and running water at least 50 years ago people! Need to reschedule Sophie's ST and PT today as both kids have colds. Oh, and we're leaving again in a week for Tennessee.

More pictures to come. In the meantime, here is what the sky in Iowa looked like as we approached Waterloo. Ya, I took car photos of clouds. What?


  1. Glad you got home in time to clean up, pack up, and leave again. :o)

  2. Wow I didnt know that you guys were going to Tennesse also! Thats cool. Glad you made it home safe. Had lots of fun with you all. Tell Xander tag your it for me, and give Sophie a strawberry kiss! I miss you guys already. Untill we see/speak again thinking of you often. Love your sis Liz in IA. P.S Whats this about IA not having electricity, and running water? {DAH}

  3. rk-
    ((sigh)) That and Sophie's nose is a snot faucet too.

    Come on. You MUST have heard non-Iowans joke about how backwards Iowa is, that they just finally got electricity? Ya, TN here we come!

  4. i am so sorry we didnt get together... darn! oh well, we will!!!! glad you are having a great birthday too!!!


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