Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall Festival

It was probably the last outing of the year that you could honestly call hot. We had a blast with Cathy's crew at their church's Fall Festival. They had carnival games, a toddler area, 2 large bouncy houses, live music, a hayride, carmel apple making, face painting, a fire truck, a k-9 unit, and pumpkin decorating.

Sophie had a blast with Paige in the ball pit and cursed me out when I took her out. OK, maybe it was just a stern talking to. The girl knows what she likes.

Alexander and Makela spent an eternity climbing and sliding in one of the bouncy houses while Cathy and I chatted.
Alexander was so cute when he would ask Makela to hold his hand to go down the slide. She was even cuter when she happily agreed. The carmel apples were yummy (we skipped the cotton candy and chili dogs). We were sorry to have missed Dom who had to go home before we got there due to the heat and sun. What a fun day.
Did you notice Alexander's hair cut?


  1. Looks like fun...and I like the haircut!

  2. You take some of the best pictures- I don't think I've seen that expression on Paige's face in an eternity :) Glad you had a good time, even happier that you came and braved the bugs and heat....just think, Saturday will be an even bigger party :)

  3. I miss you...seeing your kids having so much fun makes me want to have another baby...okay...I am back from the edge of the cliff now...please disregard my momentary lapse in judgement! Anyways...I miss you and your beautiful children are even more beautiful when they are having a good time! Love, the prairie

  4. Yes Xanders hair cut is cute. He's getting so big!:) See now im gonna expect a ball pit in the basement, I wanna play! I will help pick up any balls. LOL.... Love ya Liz

  5. rk-

    whatever to us-
    It was such fun. Thanks for the invite.

    the prairie-

    No ball pit at the house. It's already the pits.


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