Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Game, New Word

Sophie has invented a new game where she tosses around her o ball under the dining room table and chases after it. (great for PT) She's usually quite content playing all by herself and doesn't spend too much time demanding to be entertained. She does like to roll the ball back and forth with me though. (reciprocal play = DT) Also, I've discovered that if she's in a tight space, she can in fact crawl vs. scoot on her bottom. So, I'm thinking it's a preference thing that she usually scoots instead of crawling to get around, and not a lack of skill. Still, when we see her take more than a couple 'crawls,' it's cause for cheering. Plus, I swear Sophie is now saying ball (sounds like baa). Have a look if you like. (I'll try to catch her saying ball on video someday)


  1. Whoo-Hoo!!! WTG Miss Sophie :) That's awesome! And it reminds me of how Dom couldn't (HA!) drink anything from a straw for the longest time but amazingly, chocolate shakes he could drink with a straw...sounds like Sophie is the same way with crawling :) Thanks for the smile- I needed that this morning...

  2. That is crawling! Oh my goodness! Way to get through the chair maze, Sophie!!

  3. Way to go Soph! Im soooooooo proud of you:) Keep up the good work. Your on a roll girl, your gonna keep your momma pretty busy now. (Follow me everywhere mom.) Thats cute. I love you all. Liz

  4. whatever to us-
    And we're working on straw drinking too!

    She's pretty good in a tough spot.

    Uh, ya. Bizzay and tired!


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