Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Veil Lifted

The flu has left the building (I hope, I hope). So far Mark hasn't caught it and I pray it remains that way. By far I had it the worst, but that's ok. It gave Mark a chance to spend some good quality time with the kids. (silver lining folks).

I can't fully explain how differently I feel today. It's not just the flu leaving either, I think. I'm in the middle of week 12 of this pregnancy. By the week's end I'll enter the 2nd trimester. This is typically a milestone that many pregnant women look forward to for a few reasons. First, it means that chances of miscarriage are much lower and second, it often hails the return of energy.

I am so blessed to be carrying Maybe the May Ba-by and I am grateful. This is the first time I've been preggers and still nursing and I'd be a liar if I said it wasn't hard. This isn't the point, however. Today I have something new to celebrate. Today I can eat and keep it down, but most amazingly I have welcomed the return of energy. It's about time as the house is in serious need of cleaning. I'm finding that I can't get it done fast enough. And, I can't stop smiling. Maybe Mark slipped me something?

Lastly I have a good thoughts/prayer request. Mark has a very, very important job interview coming up. As a professor, job searches for Fall 2009 are happening now. He is a visiting prof here and his contract is up in May 09, so getting hired for next year is critical. I won't say where, but beginning this Sunday he will be doing a three day interview for a tenure track position. They don't mess around with these jobs. It would be so good for him and so, so good for our family. If you could think of him this Sun-Tues, we would appreciate it.

I believe the veil has lifted and the light is shining again.


  1. Good luck to the Schrads!!! May the force be with you!!!

  2. Yay for energy, yay for kicking that flu bug, yay for jobs, though I'm not so happy that it probably means you'll jet far away from us. (I know...we left first.) But what's best for you guys is all good in my book.

  3. So glad to hear that you are feeling better and that Mark escaped the bug! Many prayers for Mark as he begins the interview process as well. I wish his current employer would 'wise up' and keep him but I think that's me being selfish again. Whatever is best for your family then I'm all for it!

  4. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Prayers coming your way for the interview process. I hope all goes well for him.

  5. anonymous-
    Thanks for the good travel thoughts.

    Yes you did leave first. Don't worry, we won't go far.

    whatever to us-
    Me too, on all accounts. Thanks!

    Thank you!


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