Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wordless Wednesday (Buddy Walk, Waterloo, IA)

Thanks for going team, even when we couldn't make it!


  1. Obvesly you got your package. Your welcome Jen. We did have fun. We missed you guys though. But theres always next year. Hope you like your shirts, grab bags and pictures:) Love ya liz.

  2. You've got such an amazing family and friends...sorry you missed the party at home this year but like I tell Paige's friends who miss a year here or there- it's ok, Dom will still have Ds next year and chances are, we'll be at a Buddy Walk again....I know it doesn't help much, but maybe a little?

  3. I so love that logo design on your shirts. Too cool.

  4. AnonyLizzy-
    Yes, we did. Thank you! Alexander loves his glow in the dark shirt and the goodie bag tooth brushes.

    whatever to us-
    True, true.

    Thanks! We love it too.


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