Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We Interrupt Your Regular Programming

Breaking News

At PT yesterday, I was just starting to explain how last week Sophie took one cruise step to the right. This was during ST and we were so excited. I said, "Sophie took a step!" Then Sophie said "step."

The following is what happened when I hoped she'd take just one more...


  1. YAHOO!!! That looks like a walking Soph to me! Keep up the hard work little lady! love, the prarie
    ps. I like the music choice

  2. HEY!! SO WONDERFUL!! It brings a tear to my eye and a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing this. I bet you are so happy. I hope Soph is proud and excited too!

  3. Look at that girl go. Pretty soon she will be unstopable.

  4. Can I get a great big Woo Hoo?!?! Sophie rocks!

  5. I love it! She'll be running before you know it!

  6. WTG Sophie! I expect to see you running around church soon!

  7. WTG lil miss :) I'm just beaming over here- how cute and what a great job by sweet Soph...watch out mom/dad, keeping up is only going to get harder from here!

  8. As my daughter Emma was watching the video and dancing to the awesome choice of song, her face was all lit up and smiling ear to ear. When it was over she cheered and clapped and said "yay, how big is Sophie? How big is Sophie? Sophie's so big. She's a big girl now Mom. Let's watch it again." So we did. I would have to say I felt the same way. You rock Sophie. We're all so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
    Emma and Liz


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