Wednesday, February 4, 2009

You're Fired

When was the last time that such a thing was wonderful news? I'll tell you when. When we were told not to ever come back, when we crossed an 'ologist off of Sophie's list. When Sophie was born there were 3 findings regarding her heart including a small muscular VSD, PFO and small PDA. None of the findings required any action beyond monitoring. Last February, Sophie had a repeat echo cardiogram that revealed that she only had a small PDA. Yesterday she had another echo and I am overjoyed to announce that the small PDA has closed on its own and we no longer have need of a cardiologist! That's right. Dr. Heart fired us and we couldn't be happier.

Other health updates are that Sophie is working on tooth number 8, a lower left molar. Next week we travel back to St. Louis Children's Hospital for an appointment with her ENT and audiology. This time they plan to isolate her ears to find out how each one is hearing. We have also been worked into the schedule with opthomology. After Sophie's last check up, we were told to come back in a year. However, the eye that she had Strabismus surgery on has begun turning inward and upward slightly, once again. I already knew that it is not uncommon to need repeat Strabismus surgeries, but am hoping that won't be the case.

In archiving my videos recently, it struck me how much she has changed in her 19 months on Earth. She's no longer my little baby. She's getting bigger and doing more every day. This update is not meant to be a comparison or brag and it is not my wish to upset any other extra special moms who I know love her. I'm proud of Sophie's accomplishments and I know you are too, just as I am proud of the little ones I've come to know and love.

Sophie has added the word 'boo' to 'peek.' Her favorite words are Daddy, baby, and Bubba (Mom/Mama comes in much further down the list). She waves and says 'bye bye' consistently and in the right setting. She even shouts it if the person she's greeting is far away. She's a millisecond away from cruising and pulls to stand like a champ. She could set world records in speed crawling. She kisses with puckered lips and sound vs. her original open mouth slobbers. She makes car and train noises when playing with Alexander's toys. She's developed a giggle and sense of humor that's contagious. Sophie nurses once at night and I expect to wean her by the end of the month. Straw drinking was a long and wholly worthwhile learning experience and without her ST, I'd be tandem nursing! She's great at putting toys 'in' (even when its other things like Daddy's slipper 'in' the bathtub or a ball 'in' the toilet). She has a great attention span, even with new toys, and gets very focused and intense. She seems to understand questions, like "where's Daddy?" because she often points with her index finger (though not every time). She often complies to requests like, 'hand me the toy.' She loves books and anything her big brother likes. In fact, she thinks her brother is the coolest guy around. She's such a social butterfly and she draws people to her where ever she goes. She also has developed a little princess attitude when she doesn't get her way, though it's so cute, its hard to get mad when she's being a stinker. In a word, we think she's pretty great.

(blog note: in the new menu bar, the VIDEO and CONTACT sections have been updated)


  1. That is great news!!! She is growing so much, and is so adorable!

  2. Ahhhhh ... such a sweet relief to read. Our girls are going to be amazing people that not only teach but love us with more depth then either of us thought imaginable.

    Thank you for sharing on all counts - even though I know that I am often that "extra special mom" whose heart you don't wish to break. I love your girl with all my heart and she is only able to make it grow with love.

    ps. can i have the baby?

  3. Ahhhhh ... such a sweet relief to read. Our girls are going to be amazing people that not only teach but love us with more depth then either of us thought imaginable.

    Thank you for sharing on all counts - even though I know that I am often that "extra special mom" whose heart you don't wish to break. I love your girl with all my heart and she is only able to make it grow with love.

    ps. can i have the baby?

  4. She is pretty great, that's for sure.

    Super big yay for no more cardiologist!! That is big and very wonderful. She's a rock star, that one!!

    And watch out for that Amy...she's always trying to snag the new babies! :o)

  5. Awesome news! I think she is pretty great too! ;)

  6. awesome news! She is growing up so fast,just a beautiful lil miss....thanks for sharing her journey with us!

  7. Let's start with thank God. That's great news about Sophie. Obviously it's been a long time since I've posted a comment. Still having computer difficulties. Can't figure it out yet. As always I look a this as much as I can. Just not able to leave comments all the time.

    Now onto the good stuff. I absolutely love what you have done to the blog homepage. I love, love, love, love the pictures of the kids. You know I want some.

    Haha, you're funny about my Lizzy story. In a nutshell, I like all the posts, but one of my most favorite ones, besides the kids and their pictures, is the song for Obama, 'Rosa Sat.' You seem to always know how to make me laugh, cry, and get the shivers all at once.

    Wish I could see you all. Until then, thinking and missing you. Sending hugs and kisses your way.

    Aunt Lizzy

  8. Such great news!! Sophie's such a superstar!


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