Saturday, May 2, 2009

Birth, Interrupted

46 recorded contractions beginning at midnight. This doesn't count the first hour and 20 minutes when I wasn't writing them down, nor does it include the last hour or so when they were stalling out. These were not the 'Braxton Hicks somewhat painful, but not real labor' type pains. There were definitive starts, peaks and ends. They wrapped around my back. I had to bring out my deep breathing techniques and rock on my birth ball. Counter pressure on my low back was needed. They got really quite intense. No, not like Braxton Hicks at all.

Mark showered to get ready to make a trip into the hospital. Contractions had been 4 minutes apart for a while. I showered too as we figured it would either stall it out if it wasn't going to proceed, or perhaps get it moving. It stalled out. After a few more that were no big deal, we decided I'd take a Benadryl to help me sleep. That was around 6:30. Thankfully I did get some much needed sleep.

Now that I'm up, I am weary. My state of mind, not the best. With Alexander's birth, once it started, it never stopped until he was born nearly 30 hours later. With Sophie, this start and stall business happened for a full week. We were sent home twice when it stalled out in the hospital. I had figured it had something to do with having low amniotic fluid (despite her duodenal atresia) or even her DS. Now it appears that this just may be the way I'm going to do this and it sucks.

This could very well drag on for some time. It could happen again tonight or later today or next week. I've got no crystal ball, but I do have a doula, which I suppose is the next best thing. Though I'd really like to deliver this baby, I won't be induced unless I'm really over due. We've done most of the home remedies, except drinking castor oil. So far the only thing going on right now is that Helena appears to have the hiccups and I can't keep my lunch down.

If I saw Mother Nature on the street right now, things would get ugly and fast.

Mark snapped this shot last night before this all began. Good vibes, thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.


  1. in our thoughts and definitely prayers being said here for lil miss to make an entrance. What a beautiful photo of you Mark captured!

  2. This is Joyce. Such a BEAUTIFUL picture. You look so at peace. OMG! my word verification is "pregg". I think that is a sign it will be soon. Wishing you a peaceful and blessed experience.

  3. Come on, Helena, give you're mom a break. Surprise her with a quick and easy arrival!

    Gorgeous pic, my friend. True beauty.

  4. Definitely praying for you and the sweetie inside you... that she is OUTSIDE soon! Praying for a safe delivery and a healthy, happy baby!

  5. Sending good energy, positive thoughts and lots of prayers your way.

    May Helena be HEALTHY and here soon~

  6. This is such a beautiful picture - just stunning.

  7. When you are a beautiful person it is not hard to take a beautiful picture. love, the prairie

  8. Just wait until Thursday evening to go into labor so I can be there!


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