Saturday, May 16, 2009

"The Dutchess is Coming"

In the delivery room. It is kinda surreal to be posting on my wife's blog while my wife is in labor next to me. She is such a trooper! We got here at 9:00, Jen is at 6cm and 100% effaced, and the contractions are coming fairly rapidly now.

PS--Backstory on "the Dutchess": between contractions, a nurse asked whether we had a name picked out, and Jen said "Helena." Wanting to ask Jen about the title for this post, I asked "do you have a title in mind? Thinking I meant something about the baby and not the blog, she said "How about 'the Dutchess'? I've always liked that."

Jen says I have to stop writing this novel and get over there. Wish us luck!


  1. Good luck!!!! The dutchess will be beautiful!

  2. How exciting!!! Sending our best to the Mommy dearest and the dutchess and of course the daddy blogger.

  3. So excited for you Jen and Mark. The dutchess is coming. Yay!

  4. Congratulations sis. Just got a call from mom that the duthcess is here! Heard you are having lots of pain, just be strong and dont forget to breath. So proud of you, the castor oil worked, no pitocin! Cant wait to see her, mom says she has lots of hair but mark didn't know what color, said, "I don't know, it's all gonna fall out anyway", If it's dark, I bet she looks like you when you were born. Or for some reason I think she might look like a little lizzy. Love your sis Kate

  5. Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you guys and I'm sure she is absolutely gorgeous!

  6. I should clarify--it was the nurse who, for some reason, started talking about "the Duchess" for no apparent good reason, not Jen. -Mark


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