Friday, June 26, 2009

Grosser than Gross & other random stuff

What's grosser than gross? Helena's umbilical cord stump fell off a month ago and I never could find it. Then Mark announced that he discovered it stuck to the bottom of his sock. As best as we can tell, it was stuck either in the baby towel or sleeper that we used. This means, the cord went through the laundry and fell out on the floor a month later. That's pretty gross. What's more gross? I'll probably keep it in her baby book.

I've become quite addicted to blueberry pommegranate juice. Really, it's yummy.

Have you discovered the Redbox? It's a DVD rental vending machine. The movies are good new ones (that I missed in the theater) that rent for $1 a day. You can even reserve them online! I've seen them around but have been leery that it was some sort of credit card scam. So far I've rented "He's Just Not That Into You," which I highly recommend and "Taken." This is another really good one. I can watch them late at night on my computer with head phones on the cheap.

I've got 20 hours of Respite to use by July 1st. Yesterday I was able to do some chores and escape the house. This afternoon Mark and I are catching a matinee of the "Hangover." I'm giddy!

Tomorrow my new and super talented friend Donita is doing a photo shoot with my family. Sophie turns 2 on July 2nd (her golden birthday) and Helena is 6 weeks old, plus I just wanted new shots. Thank you Grandma Betty for the timeless gift! Check out Donita's work here. I'll post up as soon as they are ready. She was my inspiration for the flower shots in the last post, but as you will see, I've got nothing on her.

I'm happy to update that after 6 weeks, Helena is starting to really come to life. I'm still limiting my dairy intake as that seems to help her gas problems as a nursing baby. That and simply growing and her system maturing has helped tremendously. She no longer is in constant pain in her belly. Two nights ago she even slept from midnight till 5am! I'm doing better about putting her in her own bed instead of letting her sleep next to me, which will be better for everyone in the long run. The biggest news is that she's begun smiling at least once a day. We've even heard a few coos. By far and away this child has been the hardest and it has been a shock to the system. This is especially after being spoiled by Miss Sophie who has been a 5 tiered cake comparatively, despite her feeding issues and surgery early on. So, I'm happy to report that Mom and baby are falling madly in love and that she's becoming more alert and gorgeous by the hour.

What else? Sophie's wonderful PT relocated and we are so so very sad to see her go. She has been brilliant with Soph and will be hard to replace. Fortunately, we were able to slip in another PTs schedule and will pick up again without missing a beat in July. Thank you so much Cory for your kindness, patience, skill, and passion for my daughter.

OK, enough stalling. I've got to get back to the laundry. JRS - Out!

1 comment:

  1. Not gross...okay maybe a littl gross but great that you found it! My kids cords are in their baby books also! Hope this finds you well and not too sleep deprived!
    love, the prairie


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