Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Team Sophie Gear, Store Grand Opening

Believe it or not folks, the season for Buddy Walks® is upon us. This year I decided to open up a line of Team Sophie gear through our own online store (here) as we received so many compliments on our team logo last year. Whether you plan to come walk with us or not, you may just find something you can't live without, so make sure and pop over to see what we have available. All proceeds go towards Team Sophie's DSN fundraising total. Click here or see the sidebar of the blog for the link.

If you're a new friend, or an old friend reconnected through the wonders of facebook, you may not be aware of what the Buddy Walk® is. The National Down Syndrome Society established the Buddy Walk® in 1995 to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome and to celebrate October, National Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Since then the event has grown to 275 walks! This is an affordable (and in the case of the walk in Urbana, IL - FREE) family friendly day filled with games, music, food, and fun. It's an opportunity to come out and show your love and support for people with Down syndrome, like my beautiful daughter Sophie, and I promise you, it will melt your heart.

This is our 3rd year of participating and you have TWO opportunities to walk with Team Sophie. On Saturday, September 12th we will be joining our friends in my hometown of Waterloo, IA with Designer Genes. Then again on Saturday, October 24th we will be walking in Urbana, IL with the DSN. Please let me know if you plan to attend.

Register for the walk in Waterloo by emailing designergenes2005 @ or calling 319-404-0396. Register for the walk in Urbana by visiting Team Sophie's DSN fundraising page (here) and click the link that says "Join this team."

Additionally, Team Sophie's DSN fundraising page is up and running and can be accessed by clicking here or on the sidebar of this blog. Donations are tax deductible and go towards local and national programs and services that enhance the lives of people with Down syndrome. Your contribution to Team Sophie is greatly appreciated.

Read more about our day last year here.


  1. Love the PSA. We don't have a Buddy Walk here anymore, but a Down Syndrome Awareness Walk - I think there is something the organization has to pay to use the term Buddy Walk. Have fun!

  2. I really hope my family and I will be there this year. Reading what you wrote about last year and watching that video was very touching. Love and miss you guys,


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