Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Somethin's Happenin Here


Two weekends ago we went back to my hometown for their Buddy Walk. While we were there, Sophie began walking around quite a bit. Then she got really sick and things slowed down. Now that she's feeling better, she's walking a ton again. I have a feeling that she's going to be blowing me down, just as she did this morning.

Sophie picked up her jack-o-lantern (with legs, pictured below) and began role play or make believe play. She was making it walk and then fall down. She was saying walk (sounds like waah, waah) and then giggling when it fell down. She's played with her dolls before, feeding them with a spoon and such. This was 100% unprompted, 100% Sophie's imagination.


  1. That is SO awesome, Jen! Bravo, Sophia!

  2. Walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk WALK!

    the prairie

  3. Whoo-hoo lil miss! You know, it's a weird thing that we've noticed with Dom, after he runs a fever for a few days, he seems to hit a milestone 'spurt' directly there after.....your sweet pea is doing so well, give her a squish from us.


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