Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trunk or Treat

I love Halloween. I love decorating. I love the costumes. I love the candy. I love the scary movies. I don't love that the squirrels ate our first round of pumpkins. I bought a few more and took some advice and painted them with spray clear lacquer shellac and so far, so good. They look like they're wet, which is pretty cool.

Our church puts on a Trunk or Treat each year at Halloween and opens it up to the community as a free family-friendly event. We decorate our trunks, the kids safely trick or treat from car to car, and even the adults dress up. There are games, a parade, and even contests for costumes and the best decorated trunks.

I forgot to announce it earlier to our local friends (as I've had a few things on my mind), but we managed to make it today, despite yesterday being the Buddy Walk and today being Helena's baptism. I digress...

Gotta love little boys, right? I took Alexander shopping for a new Halloween costume (despite a trunk full of costumes). When we were shopping, he announced that he likes his jack-o-lantern costume best, better than any costume in the store. It's the one he wore last year. The one his grandma (Mark's mom) made over 20 years ago for his uncle Kent. Tonight Alexander won the Judge's Choice for best costume! His prize, a pumpkin. He was so excited!!!

Mark dressed up as an Oriole, the girls were lady bugs, and I was Little Miss Muffet. We had SO much fun. The only problem is that we have lots of candy left over. I should ask Mark to hide it for Halloween as I might have impulse control issues, knowing that it's in the house.

Another highlight of the day was watching our (hilarious, fun, and kind) youth minister Jason get slimed by the kids. He challenged the congregation a month or so ago to donate nearly a thousand bars of soap to send to Lutheran World Relief. He vowed that if we got enough, he'd agree to be slimed at the Trunk or Treat event. At last count we have collected over 1,050 bars of soap.

(for my RSS readers, be sure to check out the new header taken at the Trunk or Treat event)

Happy Halloween everyone!

Gotta love a pastor who dresses up like a student of Hogwart's
(as always, click each picture to enlarge)


  1. I love Trunk or Treat. Much better than walking from house to house especially out here in the middle of nowhere where the houses, even in "neighborhoods" are on 1 - 10 acre lots!

  2. very cool-costumes and everything else too! The kids are getting so big and you are definitely enjoying the season which is awesome :) The slime video was cute- just curious- what's the song? Dh is a fan and would love to know the name...

  3. Man I need to get my butt in gear for halloween. A long hospital stay doesn't help, but I don't even have costumes for the boys yet.

  4. love all the photos and your new header is great!


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