Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Met My My Hero Today

1st of all, I have to acknowledge Helena's 1st birthday today. I have been working on her b-day post, but it's not ready and this just couldn't wait. I can't believe this little beauty is 1 already.

On Mother's Day, Mark surprised me with reserved seating tickets to see Special Olympics Chairman and CEO Tim Shriver give the university commencement address. After MUCH finagling and contacting the Chancellors office, the Office of the President, and the national office of SO, he had also arranged a meet and greet for our little family.

The video footage is really poor quality. The first clip in the montage is from the 10:30am ceremony with our crappy camera just as the battery died and before we could swap it for either of the 2 back up batteries. (no Vicky comments from the peanut gallery. I've changed my name. If it is good enough for Tim, it is good enough for me). Then there are just a couple of shots from when we had the privilege of hanging out with Mr. Shriver and Chris Kennedy. Then, we nabbed the last video clip of the 2pm ceremony when he spoke again from live streaming online (which has a terrible video/audio delay that I will work on later).

The story of how this came to be is just as great as the meeting itself and it deserves to be told in full. However, today is Helena's 1st birthday and she just got up from her nap. So, enjoy the very rough draft montage while I go squeeze my girl.

1 comment:

  1. It was cool when you just told me about it... but it is SO awesome to hear him talk about Soph like that. He's right...I wanna be on her team too! :o) What a moment for your family! Goosebumps!


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