Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Adventure in Bloomingdale's

THIS is where I wanted to be yesterday. Sitting around Mark's Aunt Judy's pool, drink in hand, surrounded by a million cousins, aunts, and uncles, love and laughter. The clan gathered this weekend in celebration of our matriarch Margaret's 90th birthday. Many years have passed since we've missed a get together with this crew. Since Mark's new job is starting this week, it just wasn't possible for us to make the 18 hour drive. Thank goodness for Skype which allowed us to join in on the toasts to this great lady. Happy 90th birthday Grandma Margaret!

Feeling more than a little blue, I headed towards the mega mall. All I needed was to find a glasses store to get an adjustment and then go home. What I discovered was that Bloomies just happened to be right there! I had no intention of shopping yesterday, but the gravitational force was too strong to resist.

In my 34 years I had never set foot in Bloomingdale's. As a girl from Iowa I knew of it only through the movies and there it was right in front of me. I must admit, I was giddy as a teenager. Some might say "it's just a department store. You've seen it all before except this one might just be even more expensive than the rest." Most would accuse me of being the biggest dork on the planet for taking out my camera. To all you nay sayers, I stick out my tongue because it was fantastic!

It is beautiful inside, so clean, organized and it smells so darn good. I wandered around for a while and then decided I had to try something on, just to say I did.

I had to put the clothes back as they were not in the budget right now. Besides, no one would ever call me a fashionista. I mean, there I was in a designer's mecca wearing an over sized t-shirt, pony tail and no make up. But, still...

I wandered around some more, drinking it all in. I stopped in the hat department and then the shoes. Oh the shoes! When I saw the black leather over-the-knee boots, I nearly tried them on, but I resisted, some how.

Such pretty, sparkly things were everywhere. Now, I'm not a designer bag kind of girl. In fact the only bag I usually have is a diaper bag, but the purse section was a sight to behold.

In any case, this little adventure was a thrill and a much needed distraction.

Did you really think I left there empty handed? Heck no! Those black pants just happened to be on mega clearance, were the smaller of the 2 sizes that I grabbed, and did you see what they did for my back side?! HA! A girl can only resist so much and Mark didn't even mind.
bonus picture just for Darcy who loves Godiva as much as she loves me, which is saying something


  1. Ooh, I love KOP. I actually worked in that mall for 2 or 3 years. So cool that you had such a great experience (and a great find!) in Bloomies. Even cooler that you were shopping with no kids...?

  2. OMGoodness!!!! I just got onto a computer after a busy end to my summer and what do I behold...Godiva! They closed the one in Omaha and the one in DM does not sell my FAVORITE rum truffles...oh read that correctly...liquor and chocolate all at once! Heaven...I'm in heaven...

    love, the prairie


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