Wednesday, August 4, 2010

HELP NEEDED! Card Campaign for Sarah & Joyce


We all know her. We all love her. It's Sarah Ely of My Name is Sarah - the real life story of a young adult with Down syndrome at Many of us have been following her adventures including waiting for the upcoming ribbon cutting and grand opening of the fabric store JEllen's House of Fabric with her awesome mom Joyce,

Joyce and Sarah have shared so much of themselves and are role models for many of us in the disabilities community. Opening a fabric and quilt store has been a dream of Joyce's for years, but it is so much more than that. I could go on and on about how their plan to employ persons with disabilities is paving the way for the rest of us and how I would love to hang out in Sarah's Sewcial Lounge, but go read the story for yourself here:

When I realized that two very big events were happening for them, I started scheming. See, like many of you it is not feasible for me to travel to the store ribbon cutting and grand opening on August 9th, but I really wanted to help them celebrate. August 9th also happens to be Sarah's 21st birthday, a momentous occasion for any young adult.

I contacted Joyce and ran my plan by her and she loves it. This is where my scheming comes in. I am starting a card campaign and I need all of your help out there in the blogosphere, fb, etc. to repost this card campaign. We may not be able to be there in person to help them celebrate, but we can send them a card congratulating them on the store's opening and Sarah on her 21st birthday! We are trying to keep it a secret from Sarah but since she enjoys reading many of our blogs, that might be a tall order.

In this day and age when getting actual cards in the mail is rare, won't this be fun for them to open their mailbox as they start to pour in? Joyce will make a little display in the store of all of our cards. The store is celebrating all week August 9th - 14th and their favorite designer Kate Spain will be in the shop on the 14th.

Here's the plan, repost the card campaign on your blog, message boards, and social networking sites and ask your friends to do the same. Then hurry and send your card ASAP (and maybe include a photo of your family or loved ones with DS or other disability) to: Sarah and Joyce Ely, JEllen's House of Fabric 5259 Mayfield Road Lyndhurst, OH 44124.

Can I count on you? Thanks everyone!


  1. My card was in the mail yesterday and I just posted a link to your post on my blog! Thanks for thinking of this.

  2. I'm a little late but I'm mailing a card today.


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