Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blog Business Cards

I am so excited! A few days ago I learned of a deal at for 100 business cards and shipping for FREE (now expired, but I did post it on fb). In the past I had toyed with the idea of getting business cards made about this blog, but I never took it seriously and I wasn't interested in spending money on it. But FREE? Music to my ears!!!

I am in a strange new land (since our family relocated from the midwest to Philly this summer) and have been blessed to meet many new friends. A good way to introduce myself (although after all this time I'm still hesitant to say I'm a blogger and even more hesitant to post on fb, not quite sure why) is to tell new friends about our blog. They can learn pretty much all they need to know by visiting here.

Without spending too much time on it, I came up with a bit of an unconventional design where the front of the card to looks like current blog header. I was a bit worried that the details in the pictures would be lost on the small card. The back of the card was taken from a photo I took recently. I thought for sure through the printing process I would lose the drop of water on the flower, the rain in the puddles, and the kids would look like blurry blobs, but free is free. Plus, now I have an excuse to use my awesome business card holder (pictured below) from a million years ago.

I received my cards today and they are rocking my world. The printing is amazing with no detail lost, seriously! So now I can carry a few with me to give out as we meet new and interesting people and to think, it was all free! Yipee!! Thanks for the tip friend (RK).


  1. such a great idea and they look smashing for sure!!! i wish you many new and wonderful friends in philly. i so admire how you have handled this move.

  2. I want one (but don't we all)...and such beautiful pictures! Love this...well done Jen.
    love the prairie

  3. I haven't got mine STILL! Not fair! :o)

    But great design, girlfriend. Very cool!

  4. Oh, awesome! I love mine, too. Such an excellent idea. :-)


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