Monday, November 1, 2010

50 FREE Holiday Cards for Bloggers from Shutterfly

I love (almost) everything about holiday cards. The kids and I get so excited to check the mailbox every day in December to see if we received any cards to hang on the wall. I especially love photo cards to see how much our loved ones have changed over the year. Click the Christmas Wish below to enlarge the poem we mailed with our 2008 Christmas cards to read exactly why I love holiday cards so much.
When it just really wasn't in the budget last year, I still managed to pull something together, even if it was just in electronic format. click HERE. This year I am determined to do Christmas cards. With hundreds of holiday card options at Shutterfly, click HERE for their Christmas card collection, HERE for their holiday photo cards, and HERE for their custom cards, my biggest dilemma is going to be choosing which one to use.

Although choosing a card with one large photo is appealing, I am partial to cards with multiple photos. I find myself drawn towards the more traditional or classic designs with red, black, and white coloring. I don't just look for multi-photo options and color schemes when choosing my holiday card. The message is important too. I prefer simple messages of love, joy, and peace.

Quite a few cards fit the bill at Shutterfly. I did find one that is just perfect. Our photos recently taken by my dear friend Cecilia will be perfect, especially if I use black and white photos. I love the colors, design, and the message which invokes a feeling of nostalgia. I can't wait to place my FREE order!
Then again, I just might go in a completely different direction as I really love this one too.

Are you a blogger?

Do you want 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly? Click HERE to go to Shutterfly for information on how you can get 50 free cards this holiday season, and make sure to select Clever 1000 as the referral source.

If you have Twitter or Facebook, help us spread the word: Hello Bloggers! Receive 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly


  1. Um yes please! Thanks for the tip, holiday helper! :o)

  2. Omg, Jen, you are AWESOME!! I was just thinking about the expense of buying photo cards again this year, wondering what I was going to do for photos since I don't have a "holiday"-ish photo to use, but you totally gave me an idea, like using multiple photos. I can just use some of my recent favorites from the past year! :-)

  3. can I start a blog just to get the cards?! heheheheh

    the prairie


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