Monday, May 2, 2011

Still Here

Life. It's been a whirl wind these past few months. I cannot begin to capture it all nor do I have any realistic hope of catching up in the near future. The best I can offer is a brief summary.

I started my new job nearly three months ago. Though I wasn't looking, my dream job fell out of the sky and knocked me in the head. My position half time and is in the big city, so I take the train twice a week and work some of my hours from home. We are a small non-profit that does huge things and I am so proud of being a part of an organization that works on behalf of children with special needs to make sure they have the best possible education in an inclusive, neighborhood school.

My boss sent me to a conference on inclusion of people with disabilities just days before closing on the new house. It was a life changing experience and this is one topic I hope to blog about soon.

Mark and I are officially home owners once again. We bought a brick twin just down the road from the house we have lived in for the past 10 months. That's 7 moves since we have been together over 12 years. Once I am too old to do the stairs, I'm installing a chair lift because I never hope to move again.

Though we moved close to the old house, it is in a different county and school district. Today was Alexander's first day at his new school and he is loving it. We are writing Sophie's new IEP next week and she will transition (somewhere) in a few weeks. It will be a fight as our new coordinator wants us to ship her a few towns away and that isn't happening. Fortunately, I have made connections to the big guns out here and the new school district has no idea who they are dealing with.

Santa was on something when he brought Sophie the Melissa and Doug latches puzzle which essentially trained her how to be a safe cracker. (see HERE) She has developed into the great Houdini and has left the new house to meet the neighbors at every opportunity. On Easter Sunday we officially made the transition to the new house. We met our next door neighbors when we needed to borrow their ladder. Mark had to climb in a 2nd floor window as the girls had locked themselves in a bedroom. The locks require keys (which we did not receive) and do not have the little push button safety release. Happy Day!

There is so much more to say but I am past exhaustion and just wanted to let you know I'm still here. Oh, and happy 3rd year blogiversary to me!


  1. Happy 3rd year blogiversary!! And happy again-home-ownership! Wow, right down the road (okay, now I'll stop bugging you to tell me where you decided to move) is awesome! You're in the BEST community. :-) We'll have to come up for another visit this summer and check out your new digs!

  2. Not trying to undermine you’re blog, but everyone needs to check out this blog:

    To say it’s sick is an understatement…I’d say it’s a masterpiece in the making.

  3. And through all of this you have still continued to be an amazing friend. Hugs and kisses to you and yours and i can NOT wait to see you in 5 weeks!
    the prairie

  4. happy bloggy anniversary jen! its been great reading your families jounrny!! I am so glad all is going so well for you guys even though you are so much further from iowa :(


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