Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shutterfly Card Giveaway

Last year Shutterfly ran a promotion for 50 free holiday cards for bloggers. See a copy of our card HERE. We were thrilled with the quality of their customizable cards and the speed in which they were delivered. The hardest part about using Shutterfly is that they have so many beautiful designs to choose from. I was contacted recently by Shutterfly as they are running the promotion again. This time they offered me 50 free cards AND gave me codes for 25 free cards to give away to 3 lucky readers!
I can hardly wait another month to haul 10+ boxes out of the basement to decorate for the holidays (no exaggeration). I find comfort in traditions and do my best to make these special times magical for my family. Cards are another way to honor the holidays and mark the passing of time. Many of our friends and family live 1000+ miles away and cards are a chance for our family to reconnect with theirs. I prefer to send personalized photo cards and Shutterfly has an amazing selection to choose from.
I've posted a few of my favorites above. It will be tough to choose which one to use. If you would like a chance to win 25 free cards from Shutterfly, please visit their Christmas collection HERE, the holiday cards HERE, and photo Christmas cards HERE. Come back to this blog and leave a comment telling me which one you would use. Then tell me what your favorite tradition is and why. It doesn't have to be a winter holiday tradition. Be sure that I know how to get a hold of you. Winners will be chosen on November 9th. Remember, I have 3 sets of cards to give away so your chances are good. Thank you Shutterfly!


  1. Heeeey, I've been waiting and waiting to see if I got that offer from them again this year, but I didn't get it!!! When did it come through for you? I LOVED my cards last year, and have ordered books from them this year. Boo!!! :-(

    Can you forward me the e-mail? I can try to still take advantage of it...

  2. Hi! Love your blog!
    I like the Cozy Warm Wishes card.
    Favorite holiday tradition...hmmm...probably pulling out our Christmas train that goes around the tree. The kids always play with it for hours that first day!


  3. I sent you the email Becca. Hope you get the promotion too!

  4. I like the Top Moments card. So cute!

    My favorite holiday tradition is going to a cabin with my family. And this year I get to take my husband! So excited!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. I love Oh Holy Night! That is the one we used this year for our card. We designed it in blue :) Our favorite tradition is to attend Christmas eve mass and then come home for dinner with family and friends.

  6. my favorite card is the eight bright nights. i just love there hanukkah cards..

    my fav tradtion is to cook cheese fritters, light the candles, and sing songs, eat the fritters with apple sauce with we sip on hot apple cider

  7. Thanks for the opportunity!

    My favorite cards are O Holy Night, Joy and Happy New Years Memories...they are beautiful and put a smile on my face as soon as I saw them!

    My favorite tradition is a bit selfish...I am always the last one to go to bed on X-mas and I always take a moment in the quiet of the night with my tree lights twinkling to just stop, enjoy a cup of cocoa and remember all that life has been for the past year. The people who have come and gone. And maybe if I am lucky the snow will be falling peacefully outside and I am then thankful that I am inside my warm house with my babies sleeping all around me.

    Merry Christmas Lady!

  8. oops...forgot to mention, the previous post was from
    the prairie

  9. I participated in that deal last year too, but haven't received anything this year - bummer!! I was really hoping I'd be able to do that again this year as money is really tight and Christmas cards just aren't in the budget for us. The ones we got from Shutterfly last year were ADORABLE!! I just stumbled across your blog, so maybe I'll get lucky and win some! :) I love the Our Family Name Christmas Card. I think my favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree, drinking hot chocolate and listening to Christmas music. We always did it when I was growing up and now I have my own family to continue the tradition with (we have a 2 year old and another baby on the way)!


  10. I just came across your great blog, and apparently just in time for a great giveway! I am in LOVE with the Blissful Holiday Card. It will be perfect for us this year as we will have a new baby to showcase in one of the bigger windows, a family photo in the other, and then two smaller pictures of my other two girls! I hope I win!

    Oh, and my favorite holiday tradition is driving around like crazy people looking at all the other crazy people who put up more lights than Las Vegas all over their house! It just makes me happy that we don't live next door! ;)

    Thank you again for the great giveaway!


  11. I like the "Wonder of Wonders" card. And my favorite holiday tradition would be setting up the Christmas Tree while my husband is away hunting. It is all set up (and awesome looking I must say :) ) when he comes back.

  12. I like the Letter Ribbon Holiday Card because it lets me include a newsletter on the front with the photo! We aren't big on traditions - in fact, for Thanksgiving, my husband and I do something different EVERY year - just so we don't have a tradition. One year, we went to the NFL game. Another time, we hosted a potluck at our apartment complex. Another year, we picked up Cracker Barrel to go on Wednesday, ate some of it for dinner, and then had "leftovers" on Thanksgiving! This year, I think we're going to make homemade pizza with my friend!
    wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

  13. I love getting these photos from you every year it keeps us all closer when we live so far away.
    My favorite holiday tradition is hanging ornaments on the tree with Matt. We talk about each ornament and why it is so special. There is nothing better.
    Oh and my favorite card is of course is OH Holy Night.

    Love to all of you!!!

  14. I am loving the "moments all around" card this year! I love to be able to fit so many pictures!!!

    Our fave tradition is driving down a local Christmas Tree Lane! We get food to eat in the car and cruise along and see all the pretty lights!!

  15. I like the "we are blessed" card set. I am looking forward to starting new traditions with our baby boy who is due Nov. 21st!

  16. I like Snowflake Doodles - super cute and non-religous so it can be sent to everybody.

    My newest favorite holiday tradition: spending Thanksgiving with friends! What can I say? Friends really are the family you pick.

    You know how to reach me!

  17. I love the keep believing card. One of our favorite traditions is to decorate the tree, and make a countdown to Christmas paper chain.

    My email is

  18. This giveaway is now closed. The lucky winners will be contacted and will have 24 hours to claim their code or I will choose another winner. Thank you for entering everyone!

  19. The codes have been claimed, but have no fear. Here is a link to a coupon at Staples for 20 free cards:
    Must use by 11/19.
    Thanks for entering my contest!

  20. Is The person having no blogger account is also having chance to get gift card?
    Plastic Cards
    Plastic Card
    Scratch Cards


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