Thursday, July 31, 2008

Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg

Mt. Zubba Bubba Day 5

We spent the day in Gatlinburg, TN as tix to Dollywood ($50 each) were too rich for our blood. We were so excited to find the real life Herbie car. Alexander is a HUGE Herbie the Love Bug fan and this was a special treat.
The skies opened up and rained on us on and off all day. It was a warm summer rain, so not much of a nuisance. Nevertheless, Mark and Bubba opted for an indoor mini golf course (black lit and a bit creepy).

They also went through a mirror maze. Can you tell which Alexander is the real one?

Its in reverse of course, but Alexander (AKA: Bubba as named by Sophie meaning Brother) got a new hat at Bubba Gump Shrimp. (if you can't tell, it says Bubba on the front)
Later we stopped by Cooters, as in the Dukes of Hazzard, mainly to take these 2 shots.
Who says rainy days can't be fun?


  1. What a blast! Something Xander(Bubba) will talk about forever. You guys are so lucky. Making family memories is so much fun!!!!! Love the family picture infront of the bug, looks like Sophie (Suger Bear) is even poseing (how cute). On a lighter note my day did get beter. Thanks again for my B-DAY surprise. I always feel so loved by you guys! I love you all, tell the Schrads hello 4 me. Liz

  2. wow you guys are on another trip?? you lucky ducks!! looks like a neat place. i have never been to TN before!!!

  3. anonyLizzy-
    We are lucky. Mark's folks are wonderful. You know we love you!

    amy flege-
    Its a great place to visit. The beauty is at times breath taking.

  4. You got to see the General Lee? NO FAIR!?

    Tell me, was Boss Hogg & Roscoe P. Coltrain there? For a fleeting moment did you hear a balladeer say "Well, it was about this time that those Duke boys found themselves in a heap o' trouble." Jen -- I know you must have spent a great deal of time declining Mark's requests for you to don a Daisy Duke midriff top and slide through the window of the General. YEEEEEE HAH!!!!


  5. amy-
    My dear friend. I can count on you to make me laugh. Silly girl.

    mommy to those special ks-
    As the saying goes, it's a fun place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Beautiful though.


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