Friday, August 1, 2008

Anne Boleyn had 6 fingers

or so the legend goes. That is to say that the 2nd Queen of Henry the 8th of England may have had 6 fingers on her left and 5 on her right hand. Why do I mention this? Cuz I finally had a chance to watch the Other Boleyn Girl tonight. It made me think of the line about Anne's fingers in Steel Magnolias, so I looked it up on the Internets.

Guess what else I did today? Nothing. And it was all I imagined it could be.


  1. Nice! I just had me 1 of those days too, yestreday as a matter of fact. It was great untill I got woke up from my nap, and I had just fallen asleep. O-well because my husband made me my fav. dinner. Yummy IA sweet corn steak, and potatos. Talk to you later........ Hope all is well. Love ya Liz

  2. HA! As soon as I read the title of your post, Steel Magnolias popped into my head. I LOVE that movie. Kennedy had 6 fingers too you know... and then we had one taken off. She could have been famous! LOL

  3. AnonyLizzy-
    mmm, all the better when prepared by the hubby.

    mommy to those special ks-
    That's a fun fact I did not know. She'll still be famous! Tell her she has something in common with the mother to the greatest queen that ever was, Queen Elizabeth.


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