Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It should be about the issues

An amazing online organization that I belong to called MomsRising is asking Gov. Palin where she stands on key issues that mothers care about and deal with each and every day. They have recieved 17,000 signatures in just a few days and have a goal of 20,000.

"The nomination of Gov. Palin, a self-proclaimed hockey mom, has set off a firestorm of media commentary across the political spectrum and in the mom world. We want your help making sure that this commentary focuses on the issues like healthcare, fair pay, early learning, paid sick days, and maternity/paternity leave.

The media commentary shouldn't be about Gov. Palin's children, which is essentially unchecked gender bias, it should be about the issues--and where she stands on them. After all, we've had fathers in the White House for a couple hundred of years and their parental roles have yet to be an election issue. "

Click here to sign the letter.


  1. This year is a very BIG year. I also want to know where she(Palin) stands, so I signed the letter! Hope she gets the message, and understands. Signing off-vote 2008 a stay @ home mom of 2 Liz.

  2. AnonyLizzy-
    Thanks for signing the letter. We'll see what happens. I'll be watching.


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