Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Labor Day Weekend


  1. Just love the bow, and 2 sets of cute little toes-Mark is wet(ha-ha), and it lookes like Sophie wants to jet! Its nice to have family fun in the im done.(LOL) Love to all Liz :)

  2. I am not sure which one of us checks this or Lizard? lol!! JK Your family looks like they had a wonderful Labor Day. I love how Sofia did a full pivoting turn and how Mark and Xander look like they are having a jolly good time together. My request would be to see more of you then your beautiful red toes! xoxo the prairie

  3. Ahh, that slug was nasty! I love Sophie's little buddha belly!

  4. Hey- I thought you said you had a lame weekend?? That looks like a blast to me- what precious memories you are making with your little ones....can't wait to see more of the family outtakes- cracked up with the water dump...that's one of Dom's favorite things to do there too- soak mom or dad!

  5. Just a note to Praire, thats funny. I havent been called lizard in a while. LOL.... The race is on-no I check this blog as often as I can(may not always have time to leave a comment though) Lizard HAHA

  6. AnonyLizzy-
    Love bows and feet pictures of little ones. You rhyme like Dr. Seuss.

    the prairie-
    It's a tie! Since I'm always behind the camera, those shots are hard to come by. I'll try though.

    Yep. Slugs are nasty. Buddha bellies are the best.

    We're always creating fun by putting things on our heads. Bowls, buckets, water...We're goofy like that.


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