Today I celebrate the one year anniversary of this blog. I've learned a few things in the last year:
- I've surprised myself in how many technical tricks I've picked up along the way. Certainly not enough to be an IT person, but enough to be happy about.
- I've been surprised at who has become a loyal reader of this little family blog.
- I've learned so much and my world has been opened by the blogging community. Many of you out there are friends, though we've never spoken in person or even on the phone. You have inspired, educated and supported me in ways I am so grateful for. I promise to post about the blog awards that I have been given as I have not forgotten about them.
- Blogging has been so much fun and has been a creative outlet that I really need. Somewhere along the way as I grew up, had a career that I loved, left it to stay at home, added the titles; wife, mother, mother to a child with special needs, I've felt that I lost who I am outside of those roles. This blog has helped me rediscover many things about myself.
I think too that it's fitting that my first ever post was about Sophie's birth. As I type this, those darn Braxton Hicks contractions have increased in length and severity. I really hope to make it to May to go into labor, as it would be best for Helena, but I'm getting more and more signs that she may make an early appearance, at least earlier than her due date of Mother's Day. Then again, she could surprise me and hang on for a few more weeks. So, as her birth could happen anytime in the next couple/few weeks, I'm adding Twitter to the sidebar, just to be prepared.
Anywhozill, thanks to all of you who stop by and comment regularly. I really appreciate it and look forward to the next year in blogland.
Happy Blogoversary! Praying the little one stays cooking a little longer! ;)
Happy Blogiversary - you have inspired me, so for that I thank you!
I can't believe its been a year. That means that only one year ago I was able to just pop in at your house whenever we felt like it and vice versa... then I left. So sad... (gosh, just call me Debbie Downer!)
Happy Blogiversary! You do blogging right!
Happy Blogoversary!!!. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration.
A pal :O))
Happy Blogiversary! That is such a funny word and does not really truly express the gratitude that I have for the World Wide Web. Even though we live so far apart I feel as close to you as ever. I would not trade you or your family for all the tea in China. We are very blessed in so many ways. Kiss and hugs...write on sister!
love, the prairie
Happy Blogiversary - You do know that many of your loyal readers never actually visit your site but read you through your RSS feed, right? ;)
heya..wondering how all is going...waiting to hear about a new addition. all is fine and as to be expected here..rafa in kinder in the fall...ana in preschool and emilio in 4th grade! Can you believe it?
love and hugs hope the car situation calms...
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