- red raspberry leaf tea (twice daily, infusion method) with honey
- Medela Maternity Support belt (to help hold up the baby and ease back pain, Braxton Hicks contractions, and lesson trips to bathroom)
- Knee pillow to ease hip and back aches
- Prilosec when Tums and Pepsid no longer cut it
- Occasional Tylenol PM when insomnia kicks in (and don't think you can get away with half decaf coffee in the AM)
- Water aerobics with other pregnant women for: camaraderie, escaping the house, relief of extra weight for 1 very short hour, great exercise, pull excess water from where it should not be, ease aches and pains, especially back pain
- Medicine/exercise ball (the big kind) for sitting on or even exercising, is comfortable and creates good positioning of pelvis, and is helpful during labor (from previous experience)
- Neti pot for allergy or cold sufferers who cannot take meds during pregnancy
- One banana a day for potassium and reduction of leg cramps
We did a plaster of paris belly and breast cast on Saturday night as we have done for all 3 kids now. It's really a cool experience and bonding time for me and the hubs. You can buy kits (usually $25-$40) or just go to Hobby Lobby and get the plaster of paris strips for $9 and a small tub of Vaseline for under $3. Google decoration ideas and 'how-to' videos.
I've nearly done all of my self assigned chores to prepare for Helena including making a picture book of the hospital for Alexander and Sophie. The rest that are left to do are really not a big deal if they don't get done. I'd really like to make it to the Trillium event on Friday, May 1st, but the only other date on my mind is Mark's last day of teaching on May 5th. I've already got a pedicure scheduled that day just in case I'm still pregnant and need a little help getting started. Can you tell I'm hoping NOT to go all the way to the due date of May 10th (or gasp - later!)?


You look phenomenally good and relaxed. I'm so proud of you! :)
And keep that raspberry leaf tea going, or up it to the capsules, as they did WONDERS for me during the hormone ride postpartum.
I can't believe she's almost here!!
I'm going with 5/5/09 at 10:41 pm. 8 lb 4 oz and 20 inches. You'll have pretty feet and Mark will be done with school. I like tidy situations! And no vehicles involved this time!!
This is Joyce. You look amazing ~ healthy, glowing, and peaceful. Sounds like you're very organized too. I love the plaster mold. I wish I had done that. I'll be praying for an easy delivery. Good luck.
Oh I forgot my predictions. I say 5/6/09 at 1:10 am. 8lbs 13 oz. and 201/2 inches.
How awesome that you have pictures of your belly. I had all intentions of doing that, but I never thought I looked pregnant. I just felt like a house! LOL!
You look simply amazing- truly beautiful :) I don't know where the last nine months went and I can't wait to see your lil miss make her arrival....no predictions on day,time, etc but know that my cell phone is now on 24 hr. standby- just in case we're lucky enough to watch your two older lil ones...praying for a smooth labor and easy delivery...
i remember you were just PG in peoria!! time sure does fly. you look great and I am sure everything will go smoothly!! I think the baby will be born on the 4th and weigh 7 lbs 11 oz and be 19 inches long! good luck!!!!
May 14th...9lbs 3oz...love the prairie
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