If the State of Illinois proceeds with the proposed budget, there will be a 50% reduction in funding to human services. That means 50% of the special needs population will not receive services. I've just spoken to our Respite Services coordinator and as of this moment, my family along with all families receiving Respite services through DSC, will be out of luck there are now ZERO dollars allocated to fund it. Zero, none, the program is gone and if plans continue, many desperately needed staff and services will be gone with the wind.
UPDATE:A press conference will take place tomorrow at 3102 W. Clark in Champaign. Please, please plan to come if you can and wear red. Arrive by 11 to be ready for the 11:30 press conference. Gov. Pat Quinn and DSC CEO Dale Morrissey will be speaking. Then, plan to attend the rally on Saturday. (click the flier to enlarge)

1. Attend the press conference with Gov. Quinn and Dale Morrissey, DSC-CEO on Thursday, June 18th at 11:30, arrive by 11 at 3102 W Clark, Champaign.
2. Attend face to face meetings with legislators: Friday, June 19th at 1:00 –Representative Shane Cultra—Savoy Municipal Building—Tomaras Ave., Savoy Monday, June 22nd at 10:00—Senator Dale Righter—88 Broadway, Mattoon
3. Attend Community Rally on Saturday, June 20th at 11:30. Please send this on to family, friends, and coworkers!
4. Send out our very own DSN flier to all of our friends and family urging them to make phone calls and write letters (email me for a copy in Word)
5. Listen to the radio show Midwatch which airs from 6-8pm on WEFT 90.1 FM following the show Disability Beat that will host Dale Morissey of DSC and Mark Klaus of Charleston Transition Group for an extended conversation about the potential impact of the Human Services Cuts. Call in and have your voice heard!
Please also consider contacting:
Senator Mike Frerichs, 45 E. University Suite 206, Champaign, IL 61820, 217-355-5252,
http://www.mikefrerichs.com/Representative Naomi Jakobsson, 206 N. Randolph Suite 120, Champaign, IL 61820, 217-373 – 5000,
Naomi@naomijakobsson.comRepresentative Chapin Rose, 240-W Stratton Office Building, Springfield, IL 62706, (217) 558-1006, (217)348-7673,
ls@chapinrose.netFor more information, read the following letter from Dale Morrissey, DSC CEO, below:
Last year, Developmental Services Center (DSC) served over 1,400 children and adults with developmental disabilities and/or delays, despite an 11.65% budget cut in state funding. If the proposed state budget is enacted on July 1st, DSC will experience an additional 50% cut in state funding, resulting in up to $3.9 million dollars. These proposed cuts will be catastrophic for families who rely on daily services for their loved one, and even more so for individuals receiving services that have no family to turn to when the state turns their backs on them.
All DSC services are at risk for either reduction or elimination, which include: Early Intervention, Adult Day Program, Employment Services, Respite, Clinical Support, Home-Based Support and Residential Services including group home and apartment services support. Champaign County’s most vulnerable citizens are now at greater risk of homelessness, vulnerability/victimization and for some, institutionalization.
Individuals with developmental disabilities and their families deserve a state budget that PUTS PEOPLE FIRST! For years, lack of funding has led Illinois to its rank of “51st and Failing”; despite this already gross negligence, Human Services is being targeted again.
DSC has the passion and energy to fight for Illinois’ most vulnerable citizens. We are contacting legislators, media, parents and guardians. We are asking the community to join our campaign. Please join us in these efforts and let our voices be heard! We are a community in crisis and we need your help now, more than ever!
Dale Morrissey
Chief Executive Officer
Developmental Services Center