We drove a long way. My laptop died as soon as we rolled into town (not good). Then on Thursday at lunch we ate a lot at Mark's parent's house. It was good.

A few hours later we went to my cousin Michelle's house. We ate a lot. It was good.

That night Mark and Kent went gambling after the kids went to bed. He did not return with any winnings. At least it was good that he got out.
Friday morning me and my BFF Darcy went toy shopping (with Helena in tow) and then to lunch and Vicky's (without Helena). Mark got a new suit for his job interview. That night the extended family (Mark's dad's side) all began pouring into town. We all congregated at his Aunt Mary's house. They noticed that Mark and I have lost weight. After the kids went to bed, I headed out with Darcy. It was good. (no pics)
Saturday there was lots more hanging out with family and eating, and eating, and shopping. Mark's uncle Bill fixed my computer and I got into trouble for having too much stuff on my desktop (which I had no idea was a bad thing). I saw my grandpa in the nursing home. We exchanged Christmas gifts with Mark's brothers. Alexander really, really liked his gift.

Then we headed back to Mark's Aunt Mary's house for Thanksmas. We ate a lot. Gifts were exchanged in a white elephant kind of way. It was good. (no pics)
Sunday afternoon we headed to my baby sister Kate's new house. We ate a lot. At my request, we all had our Slankets that were given to us by my parents for Christmas last year. Slankets and Snuggies are goofy. They make us feel as if we're in a Slanket cult. The men all tried to get out of taking pictures. Unfortunately my dad was the only guy not to make it out. We took goofy pictures in our slankets for no other reason than for fun. It was good.

We drove a long way and then slept in our own beds and it was good.
click the pictures to enlarge