Friday, July 24, 2009

Golden Advocate

Introducing the GOLDEN ADVOCATE

The Golden Advocate Award is given to bloggers who have gone above and beyond to educate and advocate for people who have special needs. It was created in honor of my daughter Sophia who has Down syndrome, but it is not limited to the Ds community as all special needs count. The recipient may be a self advocate or a loved one, caregiver, therapist, teacher, community member, etc. to a person with special needs.

The recipient of this award has demonstrated courage, strength, and wisdom, and has used their blog to show the world how amazing people with special needs truly are. Recipients of this award do not shy away from speaking out against ignorance, cruelty, or injustices related to people with special needs. They can sometimes be found making phone calls to elected officials, signing petitions, attending rallies, and blogging about issues that are important to our community. On most days they educate by sharing their everyday experiences with us, allowing us to see how people with special needs are more alike than different. They wear their advocacy hat well and the world is a more beautiful, diverse, and inclusive place because they are in it.

To accept this award:
Simply accept it with the knowledge that your work is appreciated. Feel free to post it on your blog, or not. It's up to you with no strings attached.

To nominate a blogger for this award or to pass it on if you have received it:
Use the image, guidelines, and description listed here. Briefly summarize why the blogger deserves this award, post a link to their blog, and notify them that they have won. Link back to this post so that we can track how far it travels. Please limit your nominations to just 1 or 2 deserving bloggers.

The very 1st Golden Advocate goes to:
drum roll please
Sarah of Class of 2008. Sarah is a self advocate who has brought such joy into our lives with her blog. I tune in eagerly for every post as Sarah gives me hope, encouragement, and excitement for my daughter Sophia's future. This post in particular makes me so proud of her and the way she handles herself. Sarah, you are an inspiration and wonderful role model!

the Golden Advocate image was created with help here


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

What a GREAT idea!!!!!! :) And a great recipient!!!! :)

RK said...

Very neat award...fitting that a golden award come from a heart of gold and go to the gold standard in cool chicks, Miss Sarah!

My name is Sarah said...

Thank you for this award. I LOVE IT!!! We had a hard time deciding who to send it to but I think we picked a good family.

The Sanchez Family said...

I am so honored to get the award from Lisa and I look forward to passing it on...I think I have someone in mind!!!

muncherw said...

I'm never going to get one of these am I, Jen?


Erica Reese said...

This is a beautiful initiative to recognize bloggers who make such a positive impact.