The readers of this blog have been a source of inspiration and hope to me. This blog has opened up a whole world of people that I would never have known. You support me and my family EVERY SINGLE DAY by simply being here and we love you for it. Some of you have been here since this little family blog began, others have just found us. You send us encouragement when we need it, laugh with us, cry with us, send us advice, and are with us on every adventure. I'm so glad you're here.
In YOUR honor I've decided to do my first blog giveaway. That's right. Free stuff just for being here!
What is it!? One lucky reader will receive a Fall Flavor Duo of artisan roasted coffee. That's a nicely sized package of Tropical Tricks & Treats, (more of a treat than a trick, chocolate toffee crunch & a hint of creamy caramel make this coffee an irresistible holiday indulgence), & a package of Pumpkin Paradise (pumpkin spice and everything nice! Coffee with the sweet, enticing flavor of a heartfelt holiday favorite - pumpkin pie)! These whole roasted beans are from Boca Java. Not a coffee (or flavored coffee) drinker? This would make a nice gift for a friend, teacher, co-worker, etc. As a coffee drinker myself, I promise you I would love this as a gift.

This giveaway will remain open until 6pm EST on Friday, October 15th. I will have Sophie draw the lucky winner's name out of a hat and will ship it to your door - FREE! But you live in Scotland, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, or Arkansas! As long as you live on the planet Earth, I'll ship it to you as my way of saying thank you for being here.
How to enter? Dear Readers, I'm not interested in making you work, but I am so very curious as to who you are. Who are you people?! Although I have a stat meter, it gives limited information as to who visit this little family blog. Unless you leave me a comment here or on facebook, I have no idea that you're reading. This is your chance to let me know that you're here. I know we are all busy, some assume that I know that they're reading - I'm looking at YOU, or have never commented for whatever reason. I ask you as a favor, from you to me, just this once leave a comment.

But you don't know how? It's really easy. Scroll to the bottom of this post and click Post a Comment. A box will open for you to type your comment. Then Choose an Identity, pick one that fits you OR click anonymous. If you chose anonymous you must leave your name in the body of your comment. Type in the word verification (this helps keep spam off the blog), Click Publish Your Comment. That's it! Really it is that easy to let me know you're here.
I really want to know who you are, but I'm not going to force it. However, if you are willing to let me know who you are, you will get a bonus entry for EACH question you answer. Leave your answers in your comment OR email them to
1. Are we related? (includes by marriage, no is an answer)
2. How long have you been a Reader of ReJenerations? (be honest, longevity will not give you an extra entry)
3. Do you identify as male or female?
4. What is your age?
5. What time zone do you live in? (earn another entry by listing your city)
6. How did you find ReJenerationS? (your answer might be through facebook,, Unringing the Bell's 31 for 21 challenge, another blog - but please list which blog, search engine, or other - JUST TELL ME)!
7. Have we met in real life? (no is an answer)
8. How do you know me? (your answer might be that we went to school together - which one(s), worked together, special needs community, never met, just let me know)
9. What do you enjoy the most about ReJenerationS?
10. What do you enjoy the least about ReJenerationS?
11. What is your connection to Down syndrome or the special needs community at-large? (your answer might be that you have a disability, you are a parent to a child with a disability, sibling or friend to someone with a disability, work with people with a disability, or just that you are a kind human being that cares)
12. What recommendations or questions do you have for future posts on ReJenerationS?
13. Have you taken the pledge to eliminate the R-Word (retard/retarded) from your language as slang or insult as a way to promote respect, inclusion, and acceptance for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities? (yes is an answer, if no - please visit to pledge today & then come back and let me know)
Lastly, even if you don't want the giveaway prize, just leave me a comment to say that you're here. I will greatly appreciate it. If you are entering, please make sure to let me know how to get a hold of you and check back to see the winner.
Good luck!
1. Nope
2. Not sure of the time frame, but a while
3. Female
4. 37
5. Savoy
6. Facebook
7. Of course!
8. DCS
9. Your beautiful writing
10. Nada
11. I use to work with children with various disabilities. Plus, a dear friend has a daughter with DS
12. Just keep writing!
13. Yes ma'am!
Oh, you know I'm here. :-) But you're gonna make me *work* for this? LOL
1. not at all, that I'm aware of...
2. 5 or 6 months??
3. Female
4. ugh, really? OLD
5. Eastern (nr. Washington, DC)
6. someone else's blog (can't remember which)
7. Yep!
8. blogland
9. Your sense of humor and great narrative style!
10. nothing. :-) (are there extra points for kissing-up?)
11. my chromosomally-enhanced daughter, Samantha
12. Ummm...sorry, you can deduct a point for me here.
13. Most definitely!
Visiting your blog for the first time-found it while searching for pumpkin coffee.
1. Are we related? No
2. How long have you been a Reader of ReJenerations? 1 day
3. Do you identify as male or female? Female
4. What is your age? 52 (Yikes)
5. What time zone do you live in? Central Time - I live in Derby, KS which is a suburb of Wichita
6. How did you find ReJenerationS? Doing a search for pumpkin coffee.
7. Have we met in real life? No
1. yes
2. since the beginning
3. female
4. not telling
5. Central Time Zone/Waterloo
6. through you, my niece
7. yes
8. I'm your aunt
9. we learn about what you're doing with the kids and such since we don't get to see you that often. We get to keep up as a family.
10. nothing
11. loved one (Sophie) with a disability
12. can't thing of anything, you usually cover everything and are very thorough
13. oh yes!
your Aunt Sandra
1. yes
2. since you started the blog
3. female
4. 76 to tell the truth until my birthday on 10/21. I'm just 31 to everybody else!
5. Central Time Zone, Waterloo
6. from you, my grand daughter
7. yes
8. you're my first born grandchild
9. the kids, to hear what you're doing and the KIDS! To see them (oh and you and Mark too.)
10. nothing
11. Sophie is my great grandchild!
12. just keep telling how the kids are doing, what the kids are doing in school, how you're all doing.
13. YES! I keep the picture of Sophie on the billboard on the table in my bedroom and look at it all the time.
lots of love,
Grandma (Great) Mary
I'm here, of course. But don't enter me in the sweepstakes, since I hate coffee.
1. No
2. Since I met you - couple of months
3. Female - Mara since I don't have an account
4. 38
5. East Coast (Villanova) :)
6. Found the address on the bottom of your email
7. Yes!
8. Can't remember the ? ... And my iPhone won't let me go back to see it!
9. Love the realness of your posts :)
10. Nothing
11. My beautiful son, Ryan, is rocking his extra chromosome :)
12. Can't think of anything
13. Yes
2.Since the begining
5.Central time zone, waterloo
6.From you telling me about your blog
9.The pictures, especially of the kids
10.Just that I don't get on as much as I should
11.Kind person whom cares, My neice has DS
12.Keep the pictures coming. I enjoy the stories too.
It's me, Ann Osterling, in Champaign, IL. Pick me,Sophie!
1. no
2.last month or so
4.56 (ouch!-do I get an extra entry for sharing this?)
5. Central Time Zone-Champaign, IL
6. I think I found your blog through your FB page (or someone else's here in CU)
8.Down Syndrome Network in CU
9.Hearing how you are all doing in your new adventure and community
10.haven't come up with anything yet (if it were significant, I probably wouldn't read it)
11.I am a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist and have worked with quite a few kids and families who have been introduced to me b/c of Down Syndrome
12.keep on sharing
when Sophie pulls my name, you can send me an email: aosterling at
this is fun
Ann Osterling
you know us :) And my brain is too fried from yesterday still to answer all your ?s but what a cute idea! I may have to 'steal' for our blog-if ok? Hugs to you and your crew- would love the caramel coffee so feel free to throw our name in the hat...and sidenote-Mark doesn't like coffee? Thought that was against house rules-lol! Jason doesn't like the stuff either, me-can I get an IV drip??
1. No
2. About a week
3. Male
4. 31
5. Eastern
6. You told me it was there!
7. Yes
8. Through Mark
9. Your openness
10. Nothing
11. You!
12. Nothing comes to mind - it really is your space, after all
13. Yes
I am always here...but you know that too! I am also with Mark...don't put my name in the hat because I too HATE COFFEE! hehehehehe
Love, the prairie
1. yes
2. since it started
3. female
4. 30
5. Central Time Zone/Waterloo, IA
6. through you
7. yes
8. I'm your little sister
9. everything. I can't just pick one thing. I enjoy seeing pictures of my nieces and nephew.
10. there isn't anything I don't enjoy
11. my niece
12. I want to see the kids in their Halloween costumes
13. Yes!
Love your sister,
1. No
2. A few months
3. Female
4. 24
5. Central (Clifton, IL)
6. Facebook
7. Yes
8. Champaign DSN
9. Anything I can learn about DS from a parent who has 'been there'.
10. Not having the time to read every post.
11. I'm a parent to a child with a disability.
12. I had my daughter at 22. I'm a young mom with a daughter who has Down syndrome. Anything you want to share about raising a daughter w/ DS- I'm a sponge!!! :)
13. YES!
Whitney and Ray
Champaign, IL
(We'll send an e-mail message w/ the rest of the info.)
Ray still keeps your robot by his bed. It is one of his very favorite toys.
1. no
2. 2 seconds
3. female
4. 42
5. Eastern, Gulph Mills
6. through Jen
7. yes
8. through Mara
9. everything so far
10. nothing I love it all
11. I have a son with Trisomy 21
12. keep doing what you're doing
13. yes
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