Friday, February 27, 2009
Ever feel that your efforts to keep the house clean are pointless? For me, the state of my house has a direct effect on the state of my mind. Our living room is the center of our family life. We share meals here. Sophie's therapies (except PT) are done here. We play together here. I blog, check Facebook, pay bills, chat on the phone, change diapers, play Wii and watch tv here.
The kids prefer the room be a mess. Alexander actually tells me so and gets upset when I put the toys away. Sophie follows behind me dumping out whatever I've just picked up and loves to chase the vacuum cleaner. There are days when I just can't bring myself to clean.
I did an experiment of time lapse photography in my living room, over 24 hours, from 2 angles. I started after lunch with my goal to snap a picture every 30 minutes until bedtime and begin again in the morning. The rules I imposed were, be honest, no staging, no cleaning that I wouldn't otherwise have done, don't make it worse than it actually is, whom ever is in the room is in the picture, no posing, no editing.
So what's the point of this experiment? I suppose I had to see for myself if my perceptions matched reality. I need to find humor in this and I need to work on letting go of my cluttered home shame. This video is for all the parents who can't help but feel as if they are spinning their wheels. Now you know how we roll 'round here. I promise to try very hard to not freak out if you want to stop over if only you'll agree not to run away screaming.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Unusual Suspect
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
We Interrupt Your Regular Programming
Breaking News
At PT yesterday, I was just starting to explain how last week Sophie took one cruise step to the right. This was during ST and we were so excited. I said, "Sophie took a step!" Then Sophie said "step."
The following is what happened when I hoped she'd take just one more...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Week 30
Belly Shot, Week 30

Saturday, February 21, 2009
1st Global Day to Eradicate the "R" Word, 3.31.09

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
New Moan Ya
Alexander had ear infections in both ears and from the sound of things likely bronchitis or pneumonia as of Tuesday. He finished his 5 day course of Azithromycin last night, but is still a little sick. Mark's visit to convenient care last Tuesday resulted in a flyer as to why you can't treat colds with antibiotics. He went back to CC yesterday. Based on his symptoms, he too came home with a pneumonia diagnosis and Azithromycin plus an inhaler. Last night was a peach for Sophie. I took her into CC this morning. There was no one else there (unlike yesterday when Mark waited a couple of hours) and they called us back so quickly that I hadn't got my coat off yet. Yadayadayada, likely ear infections, then we were sent off for an x ray where even I could tell her right lung looked weird. We were sent home with pneumonia diagnosis and Azithromycin. Actually, the radiologist has to give the official diagnosis of pneumonia, but we're starting treatment anyway as they might not get to it until tomorrow and the doc is pretty sure. I convinced the doc to give my ears a look and my sore ear has fluid, but no infection, which is good. i.e. I have a bad cold.
So, joy. We are the house of phlegm. Anyone care to join our club?
On a more fun note, I changed my blog background to a more Springy theme in hope of Winter passing quickly. I noticed that thecutestblogontheblock has made more blatant their terms of service requiring users to use all the coding, including the code that gives them credit and a link back to their site. I'm glad they did that and made their logo/button look cuter and blend in more with the background. I mean really, I claim to support women owned businesses (especially moms). The two creators offer a really cool service, much of which is free, and great tech assistance. I'm happy to link back to them. I'm just sayin.
Lastly, this video is dedicated to Sarah, Joyce, and TJ and is a result of the amazing story they have been sharing about angels among us. I looked for a decent quality version of the original music video, but this one is pretty good. I can't hear it without getting weepy and thinking of Alyssa, my cousin's daughter, that we lost to childhood cancer.
Anyways, I'm off to get a nap (hopefully) or at least curl up with my pink fuzzy slanket (a Christmas gift I'm finally busting out and love so far).
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Sweets for my Sweet

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ears, 'Cept Different
His daddy is really sick with a cold. Since he's prone to pneumonia and we were already in the building, I made him go to convenient care. While waiting I took both kids into the women's room. Alexander made an escape. Just as I was about to get security as he could not be found, a nice lady in the waiting room pointed out the table he was hiding under. (sigh) People actually giggled as I hauled the two of them outta there to the car to wait. Karma will get 'em.
Sophie and I have the cold crud and when momma's grumpy, everybody's grumpy. Blasted winter! Now back to American Idol. Ya, I admit it. I really like the guy singing now who recently lost his wife. Nice guy. Good pipes. Hope he goes far. Same goes for the piano player who happens to be blind.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Eyes and Ears

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Cookie Tragedy
a.) Although I thought I set the timer, it didn't work
b.) I'm watching the DVD The Saint and Val Kilmer always has my full attention
c.) Pregnancy brain
d.) The grips of Facebook have me
e.) All of the above
My reaction to the burnt cookies was:
a.) Oh well. Its just 1 dozen. I've got housework to do and need to prepare for our trip to St. Louis Children's Hospital tomorrow anyway (for Sophie's appts. ENT/audiology & opthomology)
b.) Got mad, chucked them off of the back porch where at least the cats can enjoy watching the squirrels get them.
c.) Dig out a half bag of chocolate chips left over from another baking project and immediately whip up another half batch.
d.) All of the above except 'a'
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Name That Movie
Beautiful Mind
A few days ago at bed time.
(Mark) I'm exhausted.
(Alexander) What's eggasted?
(me) V e r y, very tired.
Two nights ago just before bedtime.
(Alexander, stated in a long, drawn out fashion) I'm exhausted! (pronounced correctly)
(me) You are?
(Alexander) Ya. I want go bed now.
Alexander has a bad cold and has been fighting a shake inducing fever for 24 hours. We took his temp and felt his skin just before bed time last night.
(me) Oh boy. I think your fever broke!
(Alexander) It didn't break. It's fixed!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
You're Fired
Other health updates are that Sophie is working on tooth number 8, a lower left molar. Next week we travel back to St. Louis Children's Hospital for an appointment with her ENT and audiology. This time they plan to isolate her ears to find out how each one is hearing. We have also been worked into the schedule with opthomology. After Sophie's last check up, we were told to come back in a year. However, the eye that she had Strabismus surgery on has begun turning inward and upward slightly, once again. I already knew that it is not uncommon to need repeat Strabismus surgeries, but am hoping that won't be the case.
In archiving my videos recently, it struck me how much she has changed in her 19 months on Earth. She's no longer my little baby. She's getting bigger and doing more every day. This update is not meant to be a comparison or brag and it is not my wish to upset any other extra special moms who I know love her. I'm proud of Sophie's accomplishments and I know you are too, just as I am proud of the little ones I've come to know and love.
Sophie has added the word 'boo' to 'peek.' Her favorite words are Daddy, baby, and Bubba (Mom/Mama comes in much further down the list). She waves and says 'bye bye' consistently and in the right setting. She even shouts it if the person she's greeting is far away. She's a millisecond away from cruising and pulls to stand like a champ. She could set world records in speed crawling. She kisses with puckered lips and sound vs. her original open mouth slobbers. She makes car and train noises when playing with Alexander's toys. She's developed a giggle and sense of humor that's contagious. Sophie nurses once at night and I expect to wean her by the end of the month. Straw drinking was a long and wholly worthwhile learning experience and without her ST, I'd be tandem nursing! She's great at putting toys 'in' (even when its other things like Daddy's slipper 'in' the bathtub or a ball 'in' the toilet). She has a great attention span, even with new toys, and gets very focused and intense. She seems to understand questions, like "where's Daddy?" because she often points with her index finger (though not every time). She often complies to requests like, 'hand me the toy.' She loves books and anything her big brother likes. In fact, she thinks her brother is the coolest guy around. She's such a social butterfly and she draws people to her where ever she goes. She also has developed a little princess attitude when she doesn't get her way, though it's so cute, its hard to get mad when she's being a stinker. In a word, we think she's pretty great.
(blog note: in the new menu bar, the VIDEO and CONTACT sections have been updated)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Tech Joy
I have received an error message a few times saying that there has been a problem with add ons in internet explorer and it has shut down. grr. It restarts right away with no problem. I don't know if it is an issue with the audio files or the menu bar or what. That aside, I'm quite pleased with the results of my journey into tech land today. This is definitely not my area of expertise, but it was fun to see if I could do it.
That brings me to a request about the blogroll. Please leave me a comment if you would like to be added, want your listing/name altered, or find a misspelling or broken link. Let me know too if you see the site crash.
I'll be continuing to mess with the menu items in an attempt to clean up my cluttered sidebar. As for now, its off to bed.